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G.C Foster College
of Physical Education & Sport

G.C Foster College
of Physical Education & Sport

Community Inclusion Programme (C.I.P)


The Community Inclusion Programme (C.I.P) is the outreach arm of the G.C. Foster College of Physical Education and Sport. It was organized in the year 2012 and with the purpose of fostering a greater partnership between the College and the surrounding communities.

To facilitate this project, an alliance was formed with the Social Development Commission (SDC), HEART Trust/ NTA and surrounding communities numbering over fourteen (14). The aim was to assist individuals in developing employable skills, getting in the habit of living a healthy lifestyle and seek to unearth sporting talents among unattached youths in these communities. We have had some success in the training of adults, as at the first graduation, over 150 individuals trained in Housekeeping and Level 1 Food Preparation was certified by HEART Trust/NTA. We currently have the second cohort in training.

The C.I.P will be launching out to embrace the sporting needs of the Community. At this time, we have taken on the initiative to have an annual Christmas treat for the Strathmore Gardens Children’s Home that is a little way from the College.

All members of these communities are encouraged to walk and jog on the campus as well as to participate in other sporting and recreational activities. In an effort to streamline these activities, each participant is required to be registered.

Interested parties are asked to contact the College for further details.

The G.C. Foster College is committed to developing a greater level of bond with the community and by extension, the nation and ultimately help in the development of a sound mind in a sound body.